

Community First Responder Group for Kilkee

A new Community Cardiac First Responder (CFR) Group has been established in Kilkee comprising volunteers who are trained to attend certain types of emergency calls in the area where they live or work.

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The group’s aim is to reach a potential life threatening emergency in the first vital minutes before the ambulance crew arrives. The role of the Kilkee Community CFR Group is to help stabilise the patient and provide the appropriate care including defibrillation, until the more highly skilled ambulance crew arrives on scene to take over the treatment.

A spokesman for the group said: “The Kilkee CFR group is linked to the National Ambulance Service National Emergency Operations Centre and are alerted to an emergency in their area and as they are community based, can provide medical assistance within minutes of a 112/999 call being received.

In relation to cardiac arrest where the patient’s heart has stopped pumping blood around the body the following sequence of events is known as the “Chain of Survival””

· Early Access (to activate the emergency services)

· Early Basic Life Support (CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)

· Early Defibrillation (an electric shock to restart the heart)

· Early Advanced Care (paramedic intervention)

The more ‘links’ of the chain the patient receives, greatly improves their chance of survival following a cardiac arrest. The Kilkee CFR Group, as with all Community First Responders, are an integral and valued link in the ‘Chain of Survival’ as they can provide essential treatments in those crucial first few minutes prior to the arrival of the National Ambulance Service.

The National Ambulance Service will provide the following supports to integrated First Responder Schemes like the Kilkee Community CFR Group.

· Effective Liaison ·Recognition ·Provision of expert advice and support

· Clinical Guidance ·Clinical Indemnity

· Replacement of Consumables

· Access to Critical Incident Stress Management Support

· Management of Clinical Waste

The National Ambulance Service is responsible for calling out all Community CFR Groups including the Kilkee Community CFR Group. The alert is in the form of a text message from the National Emergency Operations Centre to the Kilkee Community CFR Group’s dedicated mobile phone.

The CFR Group member holding the dedicated mobile phone will then send a WhatsApp message to all qualified members of the CFR Group informing them of the emergency.

When the dedicated phone holder gets confirmation that there are at least two qualified members in a position to respond to the call, the phone holder will inform the National Ambulance Service that the group is responding to the call.

First Responders use their own vehicles and insurance to respond to calls. They are obliged to observe all speed limits according to the current Road Traffic Act. When the first responders arrive at the scene, the will inform the National Emergency Operations Centre confirming this and they will explain to the patient and their family that the ambulance service is on the way. The first responder will then provide emergency care until the ambulance arrives.

The spokesman added: “When the ambulance arrives, the First Responder will then give a concise verbal handover and offer assistance if necessary. It should be pointed out that no member of the CFR Group is obliged to respond to any call at any time. Where as the main expense for the group will be the purchase and maintenance of the defibrillators, there are also ongoing running costs such as dedicated the phone, surgical gloves, face shields etc.

Local Councillor Cillian Murphy also secured annual funding of €1,200 per annum to cover the ongoing running costs of the service. Other funding for the organisation comes from fund raising events and donations.

The spokesman added: “We have a number of collection boxes located in various business premises around the town of Kilkee. It should also be noted that a couple of benefactors, Paul Tuite and Brean Weldrick have kindly purchased a number of defibrillators for placement around the town of Kilkee.”

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