
Killaloe Coast Guard assists broken down boat

The Killaloe unit of the Irish Coast Guard was called out last evening to lend assistance to two people after their boat broke down on Lough Derg.

Prohibition on swimming at Kilkee

Clare County Council, on the advice of the HSE, has placed a prohibition on swimming in Kilkee due to a malfunction of Irish Water sewage infrastructure.

Mark presents Lough Derg RNLI with lifeboat model

RNLI lifeboat enthusiast Mark Conway, accompanied by his carer Ivana Kottesova, visited Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat station recently to present volunteers with a model he made of their Atlantic 85 lifeboat, Jean Spier.

Ennis company seeks to highlight water safety

An Ennis business will donate the profits from one of their products to Water Safety Ireland to help raise awareness of swimming.

Kayaker reported in difficulty off Carrigaholt

A rescue operation was mounted in the Shannon Estuary this afternoon after a kayaker was reported to have capsized off Rinneville north west of Kilcredaun.
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Kilrush RNLI lifeboat assists disabled fishing boat

The Kilrush RNLI lifeboat was called to assist two fishermen after the propellor on their boat became fouled on a string of lobster pots.

Water safety advice for Bank Holiday weekend

The Coast Guard and RNLI are expecting a busy May Bank Holiday weekend on the coasts and inland waters, with more people enjoying the...

Kilrush RNLI volunteers in Mayday funds appeal

The RNLI is launching its Mayday Mile fundraiser as the charity’s rescue figures for 2020 show that volunteer lifeboat crew at its lifeboat station in Kilrush, county Clare launched nine times and brought 11 people to safety. Three of those launches were carried out in the hours of darkness.