

On This Day In Clare History – May 18

onthisdayEvents that took place on this day down through Clare history.

1825 – The House of Lords rejected the Catholic Emancipation Bill which would disenfranchise Irish forty-shilling free-holders and put clergy on state salaries.
1919 – William Considine of Danganelly, Cooraclare died age 29, in South Africa. He survived WW1 fighting with the Australian Infantry. He died on a troop ship a short time after he participated in an on deck tug-of-war.
1921 – A failed attempt was made to burn down Kilmore house in Kilrush, only a small amount of damage was done to the building’s front door and windows.The R.I.C. stated that the motive “appears to be jealousy against Behan (the caretaker) as there were other candidates for the position.” The house was owned by Francis W. Hickman. Hickman, an-unpopular figure locally whom Liam Haugh described as ‘a rack renting landlord.’
1922 – Carriogoran House and Estate was sold at public auction by Battersby & Co, 39 Westmoreland Street, Dublin.
1939 – The first aircraft landed at the newly opened Rineanna Airfield which was later to become Shannon International Airport.

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