

Council adopts €151.9m budget for 2023

Clare County Council members have adopted the Council’s revenue budget of €151.9m for 2023, along with a €523m capital programme.

This revenue budget represents an increase of €13.2m in expenditure over the previous year. There are also increased supports in several areas without an increase in commercial rates.

The annual revenue budget provides funding for a very broad range of nearly 1,000 services, both statutory and non-statutory, including services in the areas of housing, road and footpath maintenance, energy-efficient streetlighting, enhancing our beach and amenity areas, library services, playgrounds and sports facilities, and digital hubs, as well as providing grants for communities and local businesses. Over €40.5m will be spent on roads, transport, and safety, and €28.9m on local authority housing from the €151.9m.

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Despite the inflationary economic climate, rising interest rates and a volatile energy market, the Council has adopted this budget with no increase to commercial rates. There are some increased budgets in specific areas including housing maintenance, reinstatement of void housing stock, roads own resources, derelict sites, DigiClare hubs, climate action and public amenity grass cutting. There also have been adjustments to present a balanced budget in some areas, as a temporary measure at a time of great financial uncertainty, and the situation can be reviewed when the economic environment permits.

Council Chief Executive Pat Dowling said: “Despite the budgetary challenges, the newly adopted budget provides for the continuation of all services in 2023. The resilience this Council has shown in the face of significant global economic challenges over the past two years will continue into 2023. This has been one of the toughest budgets in recent years, but the burden has not been passed on to our commercial rates payers and elected members were very conscious of this. Budgets have been amended to balance. With rising energy costs and inflation Clare County Council faces additional risk but we must continue to deliver our range of services to the best of our ability possible.”

Budget 2023 has been adopted with the following items considered:

No increase in commercial rates and continuation of various commercial rates and vacant property incentive schemes

Increased funding for housing maintenance, estate management and returning vacant housing stock to use

Increase in funding for the maintenance of public open spaces and grass cutting

Continuation of the community grant scheme which supports community playgrounds, burial grounds, and social inclusion in our communities

Continued development of digital and community hubs

Development of Inis Cealtra Visitor Experience in East Clare

Ongoing development of Ennis public realm.

Full details of Budget 2023 will be available at

Irish Cealtra (Holy Island)


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