

National award for County Council workplace wellbeing initiatives

Clare County Council’s commitment to workplace wellbeing has been recognised at the CIPD Ireland HR Awards 2023.

The local authority was named winner of the ‘Embedding a culture of workplace wellbeing’ award in the small/medium category at the Round Room in the Mansion House, Dublin.

The award recognises organisations which place employee wellbeing centre stage and have embedded a strong culture of workplace wellbeing.

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Clare County Council was shortlisted in the category along with the Department of Defence, the National Treasury Management Agency, Seetec Ireland and William Fry LLP.

The judges felt that Clare County Council “came across with the passion and excitement to deliver progressive wellbeing supports from induction to retirement”.

“Aligned to corporate objectives, Clare County Council showed a high level of engagement and input from management, trade unions and staff. A long-term approach delivered consistent improvement, building a climate of inclusion, embracing technology, with access to resources,” the judges said.

The Leas Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Cllr Ann Norton, congratulated the Council’s Human Resources staff on winning the award: “I wish to pay tribute to and congratulate the staff and management of the Council on this tremendous achievement. A high-quality work environment supports staff to deliver high-quality services to the people of County Clare. Council staff deliver important public services and I would like to acknowledge their hard work and adaptability in responding to very challenging circumstances during the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Pat Dowling, Chief Executive, Clare County Council, said: “Staff are the engine and heart of this organisation. The level of commitment demonstrated by all our personnel is crucial to being a successful and a responsive organisation. This award is a reflection of the central importance that Clare County Council places on employee wellbeing. We will continue to grow and develop the wellbeing of our staff well into the future.”

People-centred wellbeing initiatives delivered by the Council include health screening, grief and loss support, mindfulness, health and wellness, and a counselling service. Wellbeing is embedded in the staff performance management development system and wellbeing supports are communicated through a range of channels including the staff newsletter, the staff intranet and extranet, email and SMS.

Noeleen Fitzgerald, Director of Finance and Support Services in Clare County Council, said: “A culture of workplace wellbeing is firmly embedded within Clare County Council. We aim to support and empower our staff to keep well through our various initiatives and workshops by providing them with take-home skills and resources to manage their own physical, mental, social and financial wellbeing. Each of our wellbeing initiatives meets a need identified from staff engagement or through welfare support.”

“The wellbeing of our staff is crucial to help them build on their capacity to deliver excellence in our services to customers,” Ms Fitzgerald added.

Clare County Council is accredited with the Excellence Through People (ETP) award by the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) gold standard certification.

CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) Ireland is the professional body for HR and people development and career partner to 6,000 members in Ireland.



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