

Applications open for Artists in Schools Residencies Awards

Clare Arts Office wishes to invite primary and secondary schools in County Clare to submit their applications for the Artists in Schools Residencies Scheme 2023/24.

The Artists in Schools Scheme was established to enable primary and secondary schools in Clare to develop projects with professional artists for the benefit of the participating students. Since then, over 400 residencies have taken place throughout the county with children participating in visual arts, music, dance, mime, drama, film and creative writing.

For further details on the scheme, and to make an application, please visit:

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At the link above, you will also find full details on the Artists in Schools Residencies Scheme including the aims and criteria of the scheme, the terms and conditions of the award and a link to the database of artists on the Clare Arts Office Artists in Schools Panel.

The deadline for applications is Friday, 10th November, 2023.

For all queries, please contact:

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