Clare Sinn Féin councillor and general election candidate Donna McGettigan has expressed her disappointment at the lack of progress on drug treatment services in Clare.
“An average of one person per day dies from an overdose in Ireland, one of the highest rates in the EU,” Cllr McGettian said. “All these deaths produce grieving families torn apart. So, we have to work to prevent them. International Overdose Awareness Day helps us to recognise the victimhood of those who are afflicted by drug addiction. We have to break down the stigma around it”.
“I brought a motion to the council a year ago calling for a low threshold treatment facility in Clare. I’m disappointed to say that we have had no feedback from the government on this but I will be following it up again. We also need more services to help those in recovery to deal with problems and issues in their lives which hamper their recovery.
Regarding emergency treatment, Ms McGettigan added, “Naloxone is a drug which can stop an overdose immediately while it is happening. The victim of the overdose is given an injection similar to an EpiPen or given a nasal spray while they are suffering the overdose, and it reverses the effects of the opioids.
It is completely safe and harmless, and has no effect on anyone other than an overdosing person, but it is still prescription only. That needs to change. Anyone who thinks they may come into contact with an overdosing person should be able to access Naloxone over the counter or through service providers, similar to the situation in the North”.
“We must do more to care for the victims of drug dependency. This is best for the victim themselves and for their families and communities. I will continue to demand better services for county Clare” she concluded.