

Draft Clare Heritage and Biodiversity Plans on display

Image: National Biodiversity Week

Clare County Council is seeking observations and submissions from the public in relation to the Draft County Clare Heritage Plan and the Draft County Clare Biodiversity Plan.

The objectives and actions of the Draft Plans, which cover the period 2017-2023, are available for public inspection until 28th August 2017 at Áras Contae an Chláir in Ennis; De Valera Library in Ennis, the Local Study Centre in Ennis; all public libraries, and at all Clare County Council’s Municipal District Offices in Shannon, Scarriff, Ennistymon and Kilrush.  The Plans may also be viewed on

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First introduced in 2003, the County Clare Heritage Plan has played a key role in raising heritage awareness and activity across Clare. Key actions in the new Draft Plan include further improving access to heritage sites, providing heritage training for Tidy Town and other groups, supporting the implementation the Inis Cealtra Visitor Management and Sustainable Tourism Development Plan, undertaking an audit of oral recording material in the county, and promoting the restoration of rural industrial heritage such as lime kilns, distilleries, forges and cottage industries.

The Draft Clare Biodiversity Action Plan 2017-2023 meanwhile, has identified how biodiversity can boost tourism, enhance the local environment, and assist organisations and individuals working in the area of conservation and heritage. Key actions include addressing the growing threat posed by Invasive Alien Species to native plants and animals and raising awareness of the importance of water quality for biodiversity conservation.

Councillor Tom McNamara, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, is urging community interest groups across Clare to have their say on the new Plans.

“Consultation with community groups and organisations is key to the development of these Draft Plans as they are the most effective tools in addressing heritage and biodiversity challenges and opportunities,” he said.

“The Draft Plans outline objectives and actions that are deemed necessary to improve the conservation and promotion of our county’s heritage and rich biodiversity”, stated Ms. Congella McGuire, Heritage Officer with Clare County Council.

“We have built up a considerable network of community contacts since the first Clare Heritage Plan was introduced in 2003 and we are inviting input from all of these people in relation to the final details of the new plans, which will broadly inform heritage and biodiversity initiatives over the next six years,” added Ms. McGuire.

Submissions/observations in relation to either or both of the Draft Plans should be made in writing to the Heritage Officer, Planning Department, Clare County Council, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare between 21st July and 28th August 2017 inclusive.  Alternatively, submissions may also be emailed to (maximum document size by e-mail: 4MB).  The closing date for receipt for submissions or observations is 4pm on 28th August, 2017.


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