Ahead of the arrival of more than 400,000 people to the Clare County Capital for Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann this August, Clare County Council has announced details of the Ennis Streetscape Improvement Scheme 2016.
Under the Scheme, financial assistance is being provided to the owners and occupiers of new and existing commercial premises in the town centre who carry out improvements, external painting in particular, to the front of their properties.
Grant amounts of up to €700 or 50% of the cost of any planned works will be provided by the Local Authority to applicants successful under the Scheme, the closing date for which is 5pm on Friday, 17th June.
Cllr. Pat Daly, Mayor of Ennis welcomed the initiative which he said will further enhance the physical appearance of the town’s streetscapes.
“In spite of being the largest town in Munster, Ennis has successfully managed to retain its small town charm, attractive shop fronts and its historic character,” said the Mayor. “As many of the commercial properties in Ennis town centre date back centuries, these improvement works will not only further improve the overall appearance of the town centre but will also help to preserve the town’s heritage status.”
“With the arrival of hundreds of thousands of people to the town later this year it is important that we avail of the coming months to ensure that Ennis leaves a lasting, positive impression on all those who visit,” Cllr Daly added.
“This Scheme is designed to encourage business owners to play their part in improving the appearance of their properties and in doing so contribute to an enhanced streetscape in Clare’s largest town,” explained Leonard Cleary, Acting Director of Services, Clare County Council.
Mr. Cleary added, “Shop fronts are usually the most conspicuous part of a retail building’s façade and therefore, they have a considerable impact on town centre streetscapes. They help form people’s first impressions of a town centre, so their condition can really affect a town’s image. Well presented and painted shop fronts will make a town feel more prosperous, improve its image and contribute towards a stronger sense of identity.”
Under the scheme, the maximum grant available to participating businesses is €750 or 50 % of the cost of the works, whichever is the lesser. The works must be carried on or before 1st August 2016. All applications for assistance under the fund must be received by Friday 17th June 2016. Following an assessment of applications, approval in principle will be given to successful applicants and monies paid out on the satisfactory completion of the works, together with evidence of invoices paid.
Application forms are available from: Municipal District of Ennis, Clare County Council, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare; Email: dryan@clarecoco.ie; Telephone 065-6846544. Application forms / guidance notes online.
Completed application forms should be returned by email to dryan@clarecoco.ie, or by post / hand to Ennis Streetscape Improvement Scheme, Municipal District of Ennis, Clare County Council, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare. Closing date for receipt of applications is 5pm on Friday, 17th June 2016.