Mobile operator Vodafone has agreed to meet with community representatives in Co Clare following recent criticism of poor coverage in many parts of the country.
In October, Clare Labour Deputy Michael McNamara called for the country’s three mobile phone operators to be hauled before an Oireachtas committee to answer questions about their service coverage.
Mr McNamara said at the time that claims by the three mobile phone licence holders that they provide of “99% coverage” is leading customers to understand that 99% of the country has coverage.
The Clare Deputy has been inundated with complaints from the public about their lack of mobile phone coverage or decline in service during the past six months.

Yesterday however, representatives from Vodafone met with Deputy McNamara in Leinster House and committed to meeting with community representatives in Co Clare.
“I would like to thank Vodafone for agreeing to meet with me and to discuss mobile phone coverage but the issue is not an issue exclusive to one company. In fact all three service providers in Ireland have come in for criticism,” Deputy McNamara said.
“Following our meeting, Vodafone have now agreed to meet with community representatives in Whitegate and Feakle to discuss the serious lack of mobile phone coverage in these two areas. The company has also agreed to hold a public meeting in Quin to discuss the separate issue of 4G broadband,” he said.
“There are currently three licence carriers in Ireland – Vodafone Ireland Ltd, Three Ireland (Hutchison) Ltd, and Meteor Mobile Communications – claiming that 99 per cent of Ireland’s population has mobile phone coverage, however the quality of that coverage leaves a lot to be desired,” said Deputy McNamara.
The Clare TD has already called for the Oireachtas Communications Committee and ComReg to look into the licensing of mobile companies and the extent to which their claims, as well as their licensing obligations are monitored and verified.