
Quakers visit Community Orchard and Wetland in Ennis

Every year the Religious Society of Friends (better known as Quakers) in Ireland host their annual conference or IYM (Ireland Yearly Meeting). This year was the first one to be held west of the Shannon, in Limerick Institute of Technology.

Draft Clare Heritage and Biodiversity Plans on display

Clare County Council is seeking observations and submissions from the public in relation to the Draft County Clare Heritage Plan and the Draft County Clare Biodiversity Plan.

Clare set to Bloom again in 2017

Voluntary groups such as Tidy Towns Groups, Development Associations, Community Groups and Residents Associations across County Clare have been invited to compete in the ‘Clare in Bloom Competition 2017’.

€9,000 available under Tidy Towns pollinators scheme

Tidy Towns groups in County Clare are being invited to enter a special award scheme that promotes the protection of pollinators.

Clare Garden Festival Fringe details announced

The Clare Garden Festival Fringe launching for the first time in 2017 is all about enjoyment, education and exploration.
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