
Weather warning in place for Co Clare

An orange weather warning is in place for Co Clare.

Garda information event at Ennis Mart

Members of the Clare Divisional Traffic Corps will hold an event at Ennis Mart next Tuesday.

Good turn-out for cycle safety event

Members of Clare's Garda Divisional Traffic Corp held cycle awareness event in the Abbey Street Car Park today in association with Clare County Council's road safety office.

ESB distributes 80,000 high-viz vests

ESB Networks have partnered with the Road Safety Authority (RSA) to distribute over 80,000 high visibility vests to Junior Infants students across the country...

Road safety event for cyclists in Ennis

Clare County Council and members of the Clare Garda Division’s Traffic Corp will host a cycle awareness event in Abbey Street Car Park, Ennis, on Saturday 8th October.
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Fleadh information evening to cover all angles

An important information evening on Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann for Ennis residents and business owners will be held at Treacys West County Hotel this Thursday from 7.30 – 9pm.

Crowe welcomes new road safety signs for Westbury

East Clare councillor Cathal Crowe has welcomed the installation of new electronic speed detector signs in the Westbury estate.