Events that took place on this day down through Clare history.
1311 – The war of the O’Briens of Thomond escalated as the Norman-Irish become involved on both sides: the de Burghs supported Dermot O’Brien and Richard de Clare supported Donough O’Brien. There was a pitched battle at Bunratty on this date, with heavy losses on both sides; de Burgh and others were imprisoned.
1922 – East Clare T.D. Eamon De Valera and Michael Collins agreed to a pact whereby a national coalition panel of candidates would represent the pro- and anti-Treaty wings of Sinn Féin throughout Ireland in the forthcoming general election.
1927 – The opening hours of Clare’s public houses were restricted by the Intoxicating Liquor Act.
2001 – Former US president Bill Clinton landed at Shannon Airport on a four-day trip to Ireland.
2008 – Clare Museum and the Irish Stone Axe Project (ISAP) at University College Dublin uncovered evidence of a 6000-year-old trade link between Ireland and Great Britain. A stone axe uncovered in Doolin in 2000 was confirmed as having likely originated in the Great Langdale and Scafell areas of Cumbria.