

2019 Musical Instrument Appeal launched

Cllr Mary Howard, Muireann Byrne, Aisling Reidy and Aisling Flouch – Photo: John Mangan.

The Musical Instrument Appeal, aimed at finding new homes for musical instruments, has just been launched for 2019.

The initiative was introduced by Ennis Councillor Mary Howard four years ago.

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“Since 2014 we have donated over 300 different instruments to local schools, all of these instruments are being played and loved again. The instruments have been donated to Scoil Chríost Rí in the past few tears and this year we will be donating to Holy Family Senior School,” said Cllr Mary Howard

This project is supported by the Ennis Phoenix Twinning Board and each year the Youth Ambassadors run the project and aim to re-home as many instruments as possible.

“The genesis of the project was a visit by St Mary’s High School Band who were visiting Ennis to celebrate 25 years of the Ennis Phoenix Twinning relationship in 2013. Prior to the band returning to Phoenix they were taken on a musical tour of schools in the Ennis area. All of the students were so excited and thrilled to be included in the schedule. In one school we discovered that a number of students were very talented and were on music scholarships and many also could not afford a “step-up” instrument” explained Cllr Mary Howard.

Then Chairman of the Ennis Phoenix Twinning Board, TJ Waters, Eddie Corry and Cllr Mary Howard put their heads together and came up with the idea of the Instrument Appeal, where returning Youth Ambassadors would organise the collection of instruments in their locality and these are then donated to the school, so the school had the opportunity to build up it’s own bank of instruments.

Chairman of the Ennis Phoenix Twinning Board, Michael Byrne said “this is a novel project and it is perfect in its simplicity, every Irish home has musical instruments that are no longer played, this project ensures that these instruments are played and loved again”.

“This project can not happen without the work of our youth ambassadors- Coláiste Muire’s Muireann Byrne, Aisling Flouch and Aisling Reidy, they are currently working at creating awareness of the project and collecting the instruments at local secondary schools,” said Mary Howard

“We are delighted to play it forward and give something back after having the experience of being a youth ambassador and travelling to Phoenix last summer,” explained Aisling Reidy.

“The fantastic result of this project is that every instrument donated since the project began four years ago is being played again, and we also donated a piano to a local nursing home. The gift of music is a gift that keeps on giving!” concluded Mary

If you would like to donate a musical instrument we can be contacted on both facebook and Instagram at “Instrument Appeal” or also by contacting Cllr Mary Howard at 086 87 80 298.


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