

Friday deadline for arts support schemes

This Friday, May 24th, is the deadline for arts support schemes from Clare Arts Office aimed at supporting people to increase their art skills.

The Arts Participation Scheme will enable voluntary or amateur artists (young or old) to attend summer schools or art camps throughout Ireland, to assist them to develop their skills in whatever art form they practise.

The Arts Development Scheme will enable professional artists to attend summer schools, apply for artists retreats and residencies and engage in specific training in their art forms, to enable them to advance their own practice.

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“By enabling artists to participate in opportunities nationally and internationally, that they may not normally have access to, Clare County Council is once again investing in our cohort of talented creative people in the county,” according to Siobhán Mulcahy, County Arts Officer.

She continued, “The skills development element of this scheme will be of particular benefit to the successful participants and the networking opportunities to promote themselves and their art are immeasurable and add to Clare’s reputation as one of the most creative counties in Ireland.”

Guidelines and applications for the schemes are available here or by contacting Clare Arts Office by email.

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