Minister for Employment and Small Business Pat Breen has urged employers and jobseekers in Clare to find out more about Jobs Week, which runs from Monday 26th to Friday 30th September.
“During Jobs Week events are held right across Ireland, giving information about employment supports and services which are available to employers and jobseekers, said Minister Breen.
“In Clare there will be an information stand in the DSP Ennis office on Tuesday September 27th, and in the Ennis Shopping Centre on Thursday September 29th.
“I would encourage jobseekers and employers in Clare to visit some of their local Jobs Week events.
“Whether you’re looking for work or for a new job, services on offer include advice on applying for jobs, preparing CVs and interview skills as well as job offers. Employers also have an opportunity to find new staff from their local area,” he said.
“Unemployment has almost halved, from a peak of 15% to 8.4% today, and long-term unemployment is down to 4.4%. Fine Gael want to halve it again. This means intensifying our focus on activation and guiding more people into work through a ‘jobs first’ approach. We are improving the quality of jobs available, by making sure that work pays, through reductions in the USC and improving work-related social insurance benefits like paid paternity leave, and by focusing on intergenerational unemployment and jobless households.
“Over 14,000 jobseekers participated in Jobs Week last year and a similar level of interest is expected this year,” he concluded.
“Nationally, a wide range of employers are participating, such as Dell, the Irish Defence Forces, Atlantic Aviation Group, Phonewatch, Last Minute Minders, Pepper Asset Servicing, Northern Trust, Virgin Media, Stryker, STL Logistics and many more.
“I would also encourage employers to avail of the supports available from the Department of Social Protection when they employ people from the Live Register, like JobsPlus, a cash incentive of up to €10,000 per unemployed person,” he concluded.