The next free events in the Burren National Park will take place this Saturday. The details are:
Saturday 6th July – 10.15-11.45: Cuckoo Club – Minibeast Hunt!
Meet some of the smallest residents of Burren National Park, and find out why they’re so important! Suitable for young children (5 to 12), accompanied by an adult. Free bus available from National Park Information Point in Corofin at 10.00. Please dress appropriately for weather and terrain. Booking required; contact 065 682 7693or burrennationalpark@chg.gov.ie for details.
Saturday 6th July – 14.15: Guided Walk – Mullaghmore Base
Explore the rocky shores of Lough Gealáin to the base of Mullaghmore – When did this crazy landscape form, and how is it such a haven for wildflowers? Why is there a hole in the lake, and where does the turlough go? Sturdy footwear and all-weather gear is essential! Booking required; contact burrennationalpark@chg.gov.ie or 065 682 7693 for details.