

Generations celebrate Christmas in Liscannor and Ennistymon

The Cliffs of Moher Experience and two North Clare schools are continuing their Christmas tradition of sending some love to local care home residents.

Pupils of Liscannor National School and Mol an Óige Steiner National School in Ennistymon are visiting the residents of St Dominic Savio Nursing Home in Liscannor and Ennistymon Community Hospital to perform Christmas carols and spread some Christmas cheer.

The children of Liscannor NS children yesterday (15 December 2022) visited Liscannor Nursing Home, while on Tuesday next (December 20th) it will be the turn of Mol an Óige Community NS to visit Ennistymon Community Hospital.

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“Christmas is about reaching out with compassion, staying connected and sending love to each other,” says Melanie Lennon, Sales and Marketing Manager at the Cliffs of Moher Experience.

“This is the third year running that we have undertaken this community initiative with the schools, and it is lovely to see both the children and the residents enjoying it so much.”

The Craft and Gift store (Shannon Heritage) and the Cliffs View Café, operated by Brambles, are, as in previous years, sponsoring gifts and providing treats on both days.  The staff at each of the centres are treated to a variety of home-cooked goodies as a thank you for all the hard work and the residents receive a small gift from the Craft and Gift store at the Cliffs.

Children and staff from both schools will be treated to a day out at the Cliffs of Moher Experience in 2023.

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