

New series of ‘Beidh Mé Ar Ais’!

TG4 and Adare Productions are back with a new series of ‘Beidh Mé Ar Ais’, in search of Ireland’s Next Big Tourist Attraction.

If you feel your tourist attraction isn’t getting the attention it deserves or maybe the effects of the pandemic knocked your tourist attraction right off the map, or maybe you have a brand new idea, well this is the ultimate chance to put it at the forefront of Irish Tourism. From Derry to Dursey Island, we want to hear from everyone.

A spokesperson for the production company said: We want to uncover the hidden gems that everyone needs to visit and also offer advice on how you can improve the whole visitor experience BUT only ONE Tourist Attraction will receive the coveted title of ‘Ireland’s Next Big Tourist Attraction’.

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It doesn’t stop there! The winner also walks away with a cash prize of 5k. Imagine what that can do for your tourist attraction – a newly revamped website, a new coat of paint, better start that list of renovations…

There are no rules as to what your tourist attraction needs to be but if it’s something unique and something like no other attraction out there, even better again.

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