

Gardaí investigating discovery of body in Ennis

Emergency services attended an incident at a residence in Ennis on Thursday afternoon where a man’s body was discovered.

Gardaí, the National Ambulance Service and Clare County Fire and Rescue crews from Ennis station responded to the scene on the Clare Road after they were alerted shortly after 3.00pm.

It’s understood that the body of one man was discovered in a room at the property while a second person is reported to have been found in a seriously ill condition and was rushed to hospital.

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The scene has been sealed off pending completion of a technical examination.

A Garda spokesperson confirmed: “Gardaí and emergency services attended an incident this afternoon Thursday 13th June, 2024 at a residential property on Clare Road, Ennis.

A man, aged in his 30s was pronounced deceased at the scene. His body has since been removed to the mortuary in University Hospital Limerick where a post mortem will take place in due course.

The results of the post mortem will determine the course of the Garda investigation.  A file will be prepared for the Coroners Court. Investigations are ongoing.”

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