The UK will leave the European Union at 23:00 today, Friday, 31st January. While the UK is leaving the EU, there is a transition period until the 31st December 2020 during which the UK will adhere to all EU rules and trading relationships.
This means that the UK will continue to be treated as if it were still an EU member state until December 31.
Shannon Group has compiled a list of frequently asked questions and responses to assist its Shannon Airport passengers.
Brexit FAQs
Will there be an impact on flights after January 31st at Shannon Airport?
We do not expect delays as a result of Brexit, while flight operations at Shannon Airport will not be affected.
If I have a UK passport, what channel will I go through at immigration?
If you are a UK passport holder, you will continue to be processed through our current channel at Shannon Airport. The Garda National Immigrations Bureau, which runs immigration at Shannon, has confirmed that UK passport holders will continue to be processed through the existing processing channels.
What customs channel should I use when arriving in from the UK?
During this transitionary period between January 31st and December 31st 2020, passengers arriving from UK airports continue to use the BLUE channel, or if making a customs declaration, you will continue to use the RED channel. There will not be any change at Irish customs for passengers arriving from a UK airport.
Will there be any changes to airport security for Irish and UK passengers?
There will be no changes to security screening at Shannon Airport for passengers travelling to the UK.
What rights will I have if my flight is cancelled or delayed?
If your flight is delayed or cancelled, existing EU rules will continue to protect you after Brexit.
Will duty-free shopping return for passengers flying to the UK?
Until December 31, 2020, the UK will be treated as if it is still an EU state. During the transition phase there will be no change to duty free shopping.
Will the Common Travel Area between Ireland and the UK, still apply after December 31st, 2020?
During the transitionary period, the EU and the UK will have future relationship negotiations. Irish and British Governments have said the Common Travel Area (CTA) will still apply. This means that Irish and UK citizens can move freely and live in either jurisdiction.
Both the Irish and UK Governments have committed to ensuring that the agreed CTA rights and entitlements are protected under all circumstances. For further Information please visit shannonairport.ie