Two young men from Co Clare have been honoured for their efforts to rescue a man and young child from drowning in the sea off West Clare in 2022.
The Ceann Comhairle, Seán Ó Fearghaíl TD, has today presented a total of 26 National Bravery Awards to individuals from across Ireland who risked their own lives to aid others in peril.
The ceremony at Farmleigh House in the Phoenix Park, Dublin, brought recipients together to receive twenty six certificates, six Bronze Medals and thirteen Silver Medals. James Nicholl received a posthumous Gold medal award for Bravery.
Recipients from Clare, Wexford, Kildare, Laois, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Mayo, Meath, Wicklow, Donegal and Dublin were among those honoured at the ceremony in Farmleigh House, for acts of bravery and courage.
Darren Byrnes and Ian Bolger from Shannon were honoured for their efforts to try and rescue a man and young child who got into difficulty while swimming at Doughmore mear Doonbeg.
At around 5pm on Saturday 13th of August 2022, Gardaí received a report of swimmers in difficulty at Doughmore Beach, Doonbeg, Co Clare. Darren Byrnes and Ian Bolger were on the beach and had observed a young boy and his uncle in difficulty in the sea.
Darren and Ian entered the water and swam in the direction of the pair. Although they reached the struggling man and child, they were forced to abandon their efforts to save them as the sea conditions were too rough and they were in serious difficulty themselves.
Gardaí spoke to Ian and Darren at the scene who were both cold and visibly shaken.
Thankfully the boy’s uncle managed to get himself to safety and the boy managed to tread water until he was rescued by the Irish Coast Guard helicopter, Rescue 115.
For their actions, Darren Byrnes and Ian Bolger are each awarded a Certificate of Bravery.
The pair were honoured earlier this year by local station Clare FM and were received the ‘Locol Hero’ award in the station’s ‘Best Of Clare Awards’

Speaking at the ceremony, the Ceann Comhairle said: “Today the Irish State recognises and celebrates the noblest impulse in a human being, the impulse to risk our lives in order to save someone else’s. But just as importantly, what these awards also do is mark the importance of the lives that were saved and also those that were lost.
I say this because in several instances, we are making awards where, in spite of brave actions and valiant efforts, lives were tragically lost. Those involved in these attempts know how hard they struggled, the families of those lost appreciate their efforts as do we, the Irish nation.”
The annual honours are awarded by Comhairle na Míre Gaile – the Deeds of Bravery Council – which was founded 76 years ago in 1947 to enable State recognition of exceptional Acts of Bravery. The Council is chaired by the Ceann Comhairle and includes the Cathaoirleach of Seanad Éireann, the Lord Mayors of Dublin and Cork, the Garda Commissioner, the President of the Association of City & County Councils, and the Chairman of the Irish Red Cross.
For more information on the National Bravery Awards: Bravery Awards