

Consultation events on Draft County Development Plan

Members of the public in County Clare are being encouraged to provide input on the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029. 

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A series of public consultation events will take place across the county subject to public health guidelines over the coming weeks, commencing on Tuesday, 25th January, 2022.

The events form part of a public consultation period during which members of the public are invited to view and make submissions to the Plan.

The County Development Plan sets out the overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the county over a six-year period.

Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Cllr PJ Ryan, is urging members of the public to take the opportunity to view the Draft Plan, which is currently on public display, and to attend the upcoming public consultation events.

Cllr Ryan said: “The preparation of this Draft Plan has come at a very challenging time across all sectors of our county as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. There has been a profound change in the way we work, shop, communicate with one another, socialise and function as communities. The pandemic and the resulting restrictions have had a significant impact on almost every aspect of our lives. Never has there been such a need for a forward planning policy document as there is now.

“The recovery of our economy, rebuilding of our society, renewing of our communities and our response to the wide-ranging challenges we face will be crucial for the overall development of our county into the future.

“I encourage all people of County Clare and those with an interest in our county to become involved in the Clare County Development Plan making process. The coming weeks present an important opportunity to review the Draft Plan, to make your views and opinions known and to have them taken into account. Working together, we can achieve a shared vision for the future development of County Clare in a post-pandemic world.”

Nine public consultation events on the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 will take place as follows, subject to Covid-19 guidance in place at the time:

Liam Conneally, Director of Economic Development, Clare County Council, said: “It is important that members of the public and communities throughout County Clare have their say in the future of the county. The consultation events will be an opportunity for people to examine the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 and meet Council staff who can answer any questions they may have. The Plan will influence the future development of local areas throughout County Clare so I urge members of the public to participate.”

Helen Quinn, Acting Senior Planner, Clare County Council, said: “The preparation of the County Development Plan is an inclusive process and we are asking members of the public to get involved. The purpose of this draft consultation stage is for people to give their views on the Draft Plan and its associated documents, as well as key strategic and local issues. These include population and housing, economic and enterprise development, tourism and retail development, towns and villages, rural development, transport and infrastructure, built and natural heritage, landscape and green infrastructure, climate action, renewable energy and environment, social, community and cultural development, and land use zoning.”

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