

Creative Schools application date nearing

The Arts Council is reminding schools that they have just two weeks left to submit their application for the Creative Schools 2022/2023 Programme. 

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Designed to provide opportunities for children and young people to build their artistic and creative skills, the Creative Schools Programme supports Primary and Post-Primary schools and Youthreach centres across Ireland to put arts and creativity at the heart of children’s and young people’s lives.

Key supports offered by the programme include specialist support and advice from an assigned Creative Associate, training and networking, and funding to implement Creative Schools Plans.

A number of schools in Clare have already been part of the Creative Schools programme. They include:

Barefield National School, who joined in 2020. Some of the many projects they have been working on include a Mural led by a parent artist, an upcycling furniture project, drumming sessions, school orchestra, visiting trad musicians who come to play in Ennis and were invited to the school as well as visiting shows in Glór.

Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon who also joined in 2020 and have been exploring many projects including dance with Cairde Tik Tok dance sensations, a Mural, an daily art club which is student led, Storytelling, Drumming, Interior Design, an Environmental art workshop, Creative writing competition, Art competitions, a lockdown creative challenge and fashion design with Helen Steele as well as looking at being a stylist/ blogger.

The Creative Schools initiative has been very well received since its inception in 2018, with more than 90% of participating schools recommending the programme.

Each school taking part receives a grant and works with a Creative Associate who use their practical experience in supporting them to develop and implement their own unique Creative School Plan.

This is a two-year guided journey in which children and young people’s involvement in planning, decision-making and reflection is central. The programme offers a real opportunity for school communities to explore what creativity means to them, and how participation in the arts can support their schools’ learning and development priorities.

Participation empowers children and young people to develop, implement and evaluate arts and creative activity throughout their schools/centres and stimulate additional ways of working which reinforce the impact of creativity on children and young people’s learning, development and well-being.

All Department of Education-recognised schools and Youthreach centres interested in joining the programme in September 2022 are invited to apply to the Arts Council.

The final deadline for receipt of applications is 17.30pm on Thursday 2 June 2022.


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