GardaĆ have reissued their appeal to the public to exercise caution if travelling to or from a Covid-19 testing centre and they are stopped at a checkpoint.
If you are travelling to or from a Covid-19 test centre and you are stopped at a Garda checkpoint, please keep your windows closed and display your test appointment through the window.
GardaĆ are also advising that it is vital that you wear a face covering if you have symptoms of Covid-19.
Sergeant Triona Brooks said: “We again want to remind drivers who are on their way to or from the Covid Test Centre and are stopped at a checkpoint not to roll down their window ā just show the Garda your appointment on your phone through the closed window of your car.
Community Policing Sections of the Clare Garda Division in partnership with Clare County Council and multiple other agencies are available to assist those who might require assistance during these challenging times of the COVID pandemic. We are asking people to abide by Government guidelines ad regulations in an effort to keep themselves and others safe.
Where assistance is required you can make contact with the Clare Community Response group on Freephone 1800 203 600 which is in operation from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days a week,” She Brooks added.
If you are travelling to or from a COVID-19 test & stopped at a Garda checkpoint, please keep your windows closed & display your test appointment through the window. It is vital you wear a face covering also if you have symptoms of COVID-19. Let's keep everyone safe.
— Garda Info (@gardainfo) January 11, 2021