Gardaí recovered several thousand euro worth of drugs during a series a searches across the county.
A total of forty six (46) searches were carried out under the Misuse of Drugs Act in Clare Garda division in the past week.
Clare Garda Crime Prevention Office Sergeant Triona Brooks said: “We have had three seizures of controlled substances for sale or supply and seven detections of simple possession since last Tuesday.”
Sgt Brooks confirmed the details of the seizures. On Tuesday, 5th May a house in Ballytigue, Lisdoonvarna was searched – €5,320 of Cannabis Herb, 7 Cannabis Plants and €560 worth of Cannabis was recovered during the search.
On Wednesday evening 6th May the Divisional Drugs Unit stopped and searched a male at Ennis Train Station – this male was in possession of €2,310 worth of Cocaine.
On Thursday, 7th May a house in Quilty was searched and €2,000 worth of Cannabis Herb was recovered.