

Prosecutions for illegal dumping expected

A number of prosecutions are expected to be pursued following significant illegal dumping in a public area of Shannon.

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The extensive dumping of a large amount of domestic furniture and other items including gas cylinders has been reported in recent weeks in the parking area at Illaunamanagh cemetery.

The area used by people visiting the local graveyard or attending funerals there and the nearby crematorium has become an eyesore. The area is also popular with people who use the local river-walk.

Shannon area Sinn Féin Councillor Donna McGettigan said: “Having been out with Shannon tidy towns doing litter pick-ups, I have come across illegal dumping on quite a few occasions.

It is very disheartening to see members of the community dumping rubbish like this. We have a fantastic recycling facility located in our town and while it does not take all, there are other facilities in Clare that will.

We need to take responsibility for our actions and realise just because there is not a bin beside me does not mean it is then right for me to dump my rubbish no matter how big or small.

I would like to see CCTV in areas of repeated dumping to try and halt illegal dumping and if you do see any please report it to your local representative or the environment section of Clare County Council.

Clare County Council has confirmed: “The Environment Section is aware of dumping at Illaunamanagh. We have inspected the area and investigations are ongoing at present. Appropriate action will be taken pending the outcome of our investigation.”

Report illegal dumping here.

In the meantime, Clare County Council has confirmed that it has carried out works at the site at Illaunamanagh in the area where extensively dumping has been reported in recent weeks.

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