A recently promoted member of An Garda Síochána and a local businessman jumped into the sea to rescue a man from a car that had driven off a pier.
The near-tragedy happened on Sunday evening in Ballyvaughan Co Clare when a vehicle entered the water at speed and began to sink.
Garda Sergeant John Casey had just begun his shift at Ennistymon station while colleague Sgt Marie Crowley was ending hers. When a call came in for the Ballyvaughan area, both members responded immediately and without hesitation.
The pair raced to the scene and on arrival saw that a car had entered the water the pier in Ballyvaughan.
Ballyvaughan businessman John McDonald was close to the pier when he saw the incident unfold. He was first into the water and was quickly followed by Sgt Casey.
“I was just outside the pub and saw the car go into the water so I legged it. I didn’t think, I just ran down the pier and jumped in. Luckily the tide wasn’t fully in. It was about 6 feet deep there and I was able to stand. We got the man out and pulled him ashore,” Mr McDonald said.
Mr McDonald’s Monks at the Pier business is located directly opposite the pier in Ballyvaughan and so he was able to react quickly.
Sgt Casey, who only last week transferred to Ennistymon on promotion from Ennis, stripped down and jumped into the water to save the driver.
The car was sinking quickly at the time however Sgt Casey and Mr McDonald managed to pull the heavy set man from the car and recover him to the shore.

Sgt Marie Crowley, also recently promoted and transferred from Ennis to Ennistymon, managed locals and onlookers while her colleague risked his own life to save another.
A nurse from the local health centre, Ailish Hynes, provided first aid until ambulance paramedics arrived. The unnamed man was later transferred to University Hospital Galway for treatment.
Superintendent Martin McGonnell of Kilrush said: “I am very proud of my members and locals for their quick actions. Sgt Casey stripped off and jumped straight in to save this man. Local man John McDonald also jumped in and both managed to get the man out the car.”
“Apart from a tragedy being averted, it was great to see locals and Gardaí work together in an emergency. Sgt Casey and Mr McDonald did a very brave thing and everyone else who was there to help did great work too,” Supt McGonnell added.
Sgt Casey, who worked in the detective branch at Ennis station until earlier this month, returned to Ennistymon station where he changed his clothes and returned to duty.
“My members carried out their duties in the best tradition of An Garda Síochána, that is to protect and save life. This incident was a great example of how An Garda and the local community can work together in such circumstances. What Sgt Casey and Mr McDonald did was very brave and took great courage,” Supt McGonnell added.
Speaking to Clare FM, Sgt Casey said: “The incident unfolded in front of us and any member of the Gardaí who would have been present would have done the same thing.”
“Most of the credit should go to local businessman John McDonald. He was first into the water and he was quick to notice that the window of the car was open. He performed heroically himself,” Sgt Casey added.