The importance of having working smoke alarms installed in the home is the key message being promoted by Clare County Fire and Rescue Service during National Fire Safety Week 2016, which commences today (Monday).
The Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government is hosting the 15th annual all-island initiative in association with the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service and locally with Clare County Fire and Rescue Service.
This year’s theme is “STOP Fire – Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives”. The ‘STOP’ in the campaign slogan captures the key behaviours that will help people stop fires starting and therefore reducing the number of casualties and deaths as a result of fire. S is for Smoke alarms, T is for Testing smoke alarms weekly, O is for Obvious dangers, P is for Plan your escape.
Adrian Kelly, Clare Chief Fire Officer said, “Unfortunately on average 40 people die in Ireland each year as a result of fire. This year’s campaign is aimed at prompting people to take protective fire safety action.”
“We are asking the public to play their part during National Fire Safety Week and check out the fire safety and prevention information on www.firesafetyweek.ie. By increasing fire safety awareness we hope to reduce the number of fires we attend and importantly, reduce the number of fire-related injuries and fatalities,” added Mr. Kelly.
Clare County Fire and Rescue Service has the following fire safety advice for the public:
- A routine fire safety check only takes a few minutes but could mean the difference between life and death
- Install smoke alarms in your home to give you an early warning, check your smoke alarm every week & use long life lithium batteries with your smoke alarm if possible
- Close all your doors at night and check that electrical appliances are switched off
- Avoid overloading electrical sockets
- Use an effective spark guard with open fires
- Clean your chimneys twice a year
- Keep a fire extinguisher and/or fire blanket nearby and know how to use them
- Use electric blankets sensibly – Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
- Make sure cigarettes are extinguished properly – Avoid smoking in bed
- Have a fire escape plan, teach it to your family and practise it regularly
- In the event of a fire in your home Get Out, Stay Out And Call the Fire Brigade Out. The phone number to call out the Fire Service is 999/112.