

Clean Coasts Roadshow takes place in Spanish Point

The Clare Clean Coasts Roadshow took place in the Armada Hotel in Spanish Point on Monday April 3rd. Clean Coasts Officer Dara Dever spoke about the Clean Coasts programme and plans for the year ahead.

Angela Gammell from Spanish Point community group spoke about the amazing work their group has been involved in looking after their local coastline. Bernard Cahill from the Armada Hotel spoke about their future plans and current initiatives. Monica Mullins from the Climate Ambassador programme spoke about climate change, actions we can all take and the Climate Ambassador programme.

The Clean Coasts Roadshow are a series of free talks and workshops for coastal communities which take place all around the coast of Ireland between February and May each year. in 2023, so far, already 21 Roadshow events have taken place all over the coast of Ireland, including beach clean-ups, networking events, biodiversity workshops, documentary screenings, and more.

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The Roadshow aims to bring together all those with an interest in protecting their local beaches, seas and marine life and environment. The Roadshow events are a mix of talks and workshops covering topics such as biodiversity, dune systems, marine litter, wildlife, sustainable developments, work by local groups and organisations, and more. Usually, Roadshows are an occasion to discuss how community groups can build capacity with volunteers, attract new members and share the workload amongst the group, as well as look at various funding streams groups can avail of, including our Clean Coasts grant scheme for 2023.

In 2023, Clean Coasts is celebrating its 20th birthday.  Since 2003, Clean Coasts has been working with communities to help protect and care for Ireland’s waterways, coastline, seas, ocean and marine life. In 2023, the Clean Coasts Roadshow represent the first opportunity for the programme to connect and celebrate the communities and volunteers who have contributed to the growth and success of Clean Coasts over the years.

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