Ennis Scouts are preparing to bid farewell to their home of almost 90 years as works begin on a new facility.
Since their foundation in 1932 Ennis Scouts have always had a home on Station Road on the grounds of Ennis Cathedral.
However the building is no longer fit for purpose in the 21st Century. Planning has been granted to knock and rebuild the existing 1 story structure and replace with a purpose built 2 storey building.
Scouting is growing locally with a waiting list of children who wish to experience the Scouting adventure. This new building gives the opportunity to expand and continue to provide a wide ranging programme of activities to young people from 6 years to 18 years.
For the past two years Ennis Scouts have held a number of fundraisers including a Concert, Fashion Show, Bag Packs, Quizzes, Bake Sales and a series of Winter Walks. St Francis Credit Union and Roche have supported the project from the beginning and provided the impetus to embark on this new chapter in Scouting in Ennis.
There has been great support from the Community including Ennis Fire Station who had a bucket collection and Ennis Garda Station who hosted a Family Day. The Irish Youth Council have assisted with 3 bag packs, Grants have also been successful from LCTEB, Tidy Towns and Ennis Scouts were delighted to chosen as Ennis Chamber of Commerce Best Voluntary Group for 2019.
Tomar Trust has been especially generous in the granting of 100,000 towards New Hall Development.
In Summer 2019 application was made for Leader Funding with Clare Local Development Company and success was achieved in the awarded Funding under 2 streams Community and Youth. However due to shortfall in funding only one of the allocated funding streams amounting to €100,000 has been released.
Ennis Scouts are working closely with Clare Local Development Company to further progress the New Development and are grateful for their continuing support.  This leaves Ennis Scouts with a shortfall of €237,000. A meeting was held with LEADER and a number of political representatives were invited. TDs Joe Carey and Timmy Dooley attended and committed to cross party co operation to assist with identifying alternative funds as they acknowledge the value of this project to the wider community.
Ennis Scouts have decided to start the project this March, Funds in hand will allow us to complete 2 storey structure and finish downstairs. Fundraising efforts will have to be increased and call for continued support from the Community will be issued.  An Invitation to say Farewell to the Old Hall this Sunday 23 Feb at 1pm and is open to all.
Come along and sign the wall, recall great memories and help us continue the Story of Scouting in Ennis. The wall will then be used in the foundation of the new building, your name and memories will be part of our History. If you have any photos or memorabilia please bring along and they will added to the archives. Refreshments will be available on the day and  a ‘Buy a Brick’ and corporate funding campaign will also be launched.