

Event to mark international disability day


As International Day of Persons with Disabilities approaches, a national event to mark it, will take place on the 2nd of December by Leaders in the Independent Living Movement from Clare, supported by the Centre for Independent Living.

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The United Nations international message for this year is ‘No One Person is Left Behind!’ As we mark our independence as Irish citizens we question our ability to truly embrace that message.

On the 2nd of December 2016, we people with disabilities, our families, supporters and disability organisations, will come together to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities at a national event entitled ‘Achieving the Future WE Want”.

2016 is a historic year to celebrate our independence yet today many people with disabilities are still forced to live in inhumane conditions, devoid of any independence or opportunity to integrate into society.

A clear indication of how people with disabilities are forced to live their life is highlighted by the fact that the event to mark this annual occasion will take place on the day before everybody else in the world celebrates.

“If we did it on the Saturday (3rdDecember) too many would not be able to make it, because accessible transport is not available on a weekend”, says Martin Tobin, Clare Leader Forum Member.

In truth people with disabilities feel very much left behind. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is the most significant progressive human rights treaty of the 21st century.

It sets out and protects the rights and dignity of disabled people by defending, promoting and reinforcing human rights. Ireland has a poor record in offering protection to people with disabilities and its very failure to ratify the UNCRPD is further evidence of the lack of priority given to enshrining our rights in legislation. Why are we still waiting?

Ann Marie Flanagan, activist and PRO of the Clare Leader Forum, is calling on the Minister for Disability, Finian Mc Grath to “help end the often cruel and degrading experience felt by people with disabilities across Ireland. Name the date that the Oireachtas will ratify the UNCRPD and work more closely with us, the experts on disability, (actual people with disabilities) to put together all necessary legislative and policy processes in place to ensure Article 19 is realised.”

This national meeting has been called by the Clare Leader Forum who work, with the support of the Center for Independent Living (CIL), to provide an independent voice on disability issues.

Chairperson of the Clare Leader Forum, Padraic Hayes, believes: “For 10 years, we as people with disabilities, have campaigned tirelessly for our rights to be protected. Ireland is the last country in Europe to ratify the UNCRPD, and although we have been assured that it will be by the end of this year, realistically we have little faith in this latest promise”.

In the ten years since Ireland signed the Convention, people with disabilities have seen unprecedented cuts, which included the mobility allowance, carers allowance, motorised transport grant, respite supports, medical cards and most alarmingly the very hours we need to live independently our personal assistance supports. If Ireland had ratified the Convention removing these supports would mean that it had breached its obligations under Article 19, which protects our right to independent living.

The Clare Leader Forum are calling on all people with disabilities, their supporters, families and friends to come together on the 2nd of December from 11.30am in Treacy’s West County Hotel, Ennis, for an afternoon of unity, solidarity, remembrance and song. The event will be celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities, with 17 balloons being released to signify the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A balloon release will also take place to mark the 10 Irish Goals and Aspirations, identified by the organisers, and to remember those friends and colleagues who have passed away during this historic year. Keynote speakers will include Donal Toolan, a National Broadcast journalist of the Year recipient, and Dr. Eilionoir Flynn, Deputy Director of the Centre for Disability Law and Policy and Senior Lecturer with the School of Law, NUIG.

As a group the Clare Leader Forum understands that living your daily life can be challenging when you have a disability, as articulated by member Dermot Hayes “It can be difficult to find the energy to advocate for your rights but we must. We have never been prioritised by government or had our right to equality protected. We now need to work together and take control of our lives and demand our rights. We will no longer be ignored – we have power in our numbers and the time has come for us to choose to use it”.

Everyone is welcome to attend and if you would like any further information or have any specific requirements for the day please contact Dermot Hayes on 086 1731955.

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