As many as seven west Clare coastal community projects will benefit by more than €105,000 in funding, according to Minister for Trade, Business & Employment, EU Digital Single Market & Data Protection Pat Breen.
The grants are co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Union under Ireland’s European Maritime & Fisheries Fund Operational Programme for the seafood sector.
Minister Breen said, “The Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs) initiative is successfully supporting coastal community initiatives and I am therefore delighted that funding of €105,599 has been granted to seven local coastal projects in Clare. These projects will be a hugely important boost to our coastal communities and the surrounding areas.”

“Under this grant, funding of €68,000 has been allocated to Wild Irish Seaweeds’; €136,000 to Expansion Project in Quilty. The Burren Ecotourism Network is to receive €14,400 towards the Burren Cookery Book, while the West Clare Curragh Build project has been allocated €7,818 for equipment & curragh building courses and Seol Sionna has received grant aid of €4,966.
“The Royal Western Yacht Club in Kilrush will receive €4,756, more than half the cost of the Junior Sailing Safety Boat it is purchasing. Kilkee Enterprise Development Company (KEDCO) is to receive €4,731 towards the Kilkee Market by the Sea, while Spraoi – By The Sea in Doonbeg is to receive €928 – 80% of the overall cost,” added Minister Breen.
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed said: “I am delighted to announce that an additional 106 grants worth €1.5 million have been awarded by our 7 coastal FLAG groups, bringing total FLAG grant offers in 2018 to €3.1 million.
“Successful projects included investments in micro seafood enterprises, marine tourism and marine leisure projects, heritage projects, small harbour facilities, and environmental and training projects.”
Details on the FLAG scheme and on how to apply can be found at<