Clare Public Participation Network, Clare Volunteer Centre and Clare Local Development Company invite those involved with community groups, charities or non-governmental organisations in Clare to attend one of two introductory workshops on Governance and the Charities Governance Code.
The event will take place on March 21st 2019 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm and will be repeated from 6.30 to 9.30pm on the same day.
A further follow up workshop will take place on April 17th 2019 to assist groups with any issues they may have. This workshop will be advertised at a later date.
Why Governance and the Charities Governance Code?
Our three organisations have collaborated to organise these workshops in response to a demand from the groups we have consulted with over the last year who all identified governance and regulation as the main issue they struggle with. We hope that these introductory level workshops will help community groups to gain an understanding of what is expected of them and assist them with identifying areas where further training might be necessary.
What will be covered?
Good governance involves putting in place systems and processes to ensure that your organisation or charity achieves its objectives with integrity and is managed in an effective, efficient, accountable and transparent way. This training will give an overview of governance and the Charities Governance Code, helping organisations and charities get a handle on what further training or support they may need in this area.
This training is funded by Clare PPN from its budget and to supplement the cost (and to ensure attendence) we are charging €5 per person payable when booking at Eventbrite:  If your organisation has any trouble with the cost or is unable to make the payment online please contact 087 1617375 or [email protected] and we will make alternative arrangements for you. .
Who is delivering the training?
We have contracted the Carmichael Centre in Dublin to deliver this training and the sessions will be conducted by Caroline Egan of Cramden Tech who is Managing Director of Shannon based training and eLearning company, CramdenTECH Ltd. She has almost 20 years experience in the non-profit sector. Her areas of training expertise include corporate governance and compliance, charity management, social enterprise development, business planning, strategic management and communications.
Working Together to Make Clare Better:
Clare PPN, Clare Volunteer Centre and CLDC’s SICAP programme are working together on these events to make the best use of resources available to Community Groups in Clare.