

MEP Clune encourages availing of HPV vaccine

Earlier this month, Ireland South MEP Deirdre Clune welcomed Larry and Bernie Brennan to the European Parliament, in support of the enduring legacy of their daughter, Laura.

Laura Brennan, an inspiring young advocate for HPV vaccination, passed away at the age of 26 after battling terminal cervical cancer. Her parents have since taken up the mantle of HPV vaccination advocacy, ensuring that Laura’s passion for raising awareness lives on.

Clune acknowledged the tremendous impact of Laura’s advocacy, stating, “Laura’s determination and zest for life have saved countless lives since 2018. The HPV vaccination uptake rate in Ireland saw a significant increase following Laura’s passing, a testament to the lasting influence of her campaign. Her parents, Larry and Bernie, are doing incredible work to continue this trend.”

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“Laura’s story is a powerful reminder of the devastating impact of cervical cancer and the role the HPV vaccine plays in preventing it. The Laura Brennan HPV Vaccine Catch-Up Programme, launched by the HSE is a fantastic initiative, which offers free HPV vaccinations to those who missed the opportunity, until the end of 2023,” Clune explained.

“I encourage everyone eligible to make use of the programme. Laura’s advocacy goes beyond her time, and we owe it to her and others to continue spreading awareness and ensuring access to the HPV vaccine” Clune concluded.

The Laura Brennan HPV vaccine catch-up programme is available to individuals in various categories, including those in second to sixth year of secondary school, females aged 24 or younger, males aged 21 or younger, international students in Ireland, and refugees or those seeking protection.

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