A public information meeting on the recommended priority areas for action under the new River Basin Management Plan will take place on tonight (Thursday) at the Templegate Hotel in Ennis at 8.00 p.m.
The EPA, local authorities and public authorities have engaged in Catchment Assessment Workshops throughout the country during 2016 and 2017 to characterise waterbodies and assess pressures on river, lake, coastal, transitional and groundwater water bodies.
In Clare, there are 10 ‘Recommended Priority Areas for Action’ which were identified following the assessment of all available scientific and technical data from the relevant agencies and also using local knowledge.
The Draft River Basin Management Plan 2018 – 2021 was published in February 2017 and went out for public consultation until 31 August 2017. Five public meetings were held in throughout Clare to engage with communities and other stakeholders.
To further facilitate public engagement, in conjunction with LAWCO (Local Authority Water and Communities Office), a public information meeting will be held which will consist of a presentation on the’ Recommended Priority Water Bodies for Action ‘, and feedback from the River Basin Management Plan public consultation meetings. There will be an opportunity at the meeting for discussion and to review the ‘Recommended Priority Waterbodies for Action’ and the rationale used in their selection.
Feedback will be recorded on the day and there will be an opportunity to provide further feedback until the 9th November 2017.