Clare County Council has welcomed the inclusion of County Clare into the marketing programme for the Cool Route project which aims to grow numbers of private craft, super-yachts and passenger liners visiting the coastlines of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, the Faroe islands and Norway.
Discussions led by the Harbour Master at the Port of Galway, Captain Brian Sheridan, led to the inclusion of an additional 150 nautical miles of Irish coastline incorporating the coastlines of Clare, Galway and Mayo, into the bi-directional yacht cruising route. Kilrush Marina is one of 6 locations being promoted as part of the Cool Route marketing campaign.
Mayor of Clare Councillor Tom McNamara said County Clare will now be promoted to a growing marine visitor clientele as part of a wider Cool Route marketing programme.
“This new sea route is being marketed internationally and will have a common branding, booking and information system. Clare’s coastal locations already have well-developed land-side tourism infrastructure and therefore, have plenty to offer marine visitors in terms of scenery, attractions and marine visitors,” added the Mayor.

Brian McCarthy, Acting Director of Economic Development, Clare County Council, said, “The inclusion of the Clare coastline represents a very significant addition to the route in terms of its overall visitor offerings. Kilrush Marina is located close to Scattery Island which recently won an EDEN award and it is an ideal base from which to explore the waters of the Shannon Estuary and the Clare coastline up to the Cliffs of Moher.”
Clare tourism operators interested in promoting their products or services as part of the Cool Route marketing campaign are invited to register at https://arcg.is/0zPWn1
Full information on the Cool Route project is available at www.sailcoolroute.eu.
The Cool Route Project is funded by Interreg VB Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme. Its Irish partners include Cork Institute of Technology, Údarás na Gaeltachta and The Irish Sailing Association.