

Efforts to refloat yacht aground on Kilkee beach

Efforts will be undertaken this afternoon to refloat a yacht that ran aground on Kilkee beach this morning.

It’s understood the vessel broke its moorings in Kilkee Bay at around 9.00am and drifted onto the beach in a matter of minutes.

Watch officers at the Irish Coast Guard’s marine rescue coordination centre on Valentia Island in Kerry were alerted and they in turn tasked the Kilkee unit of the Coast Guard. Local council staff also attended the incident.

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The yacht, which is registered in the UK, is understood to have arrived in the bay from Dingle, Co Kerry yesterday. It’s believed there were three people on board but all were able to get off the vessel unharmed.

The yacht remains aground on the beach in Kilkee and is likely to be there for several hours yet. High tide in the bay will be around 4.00pm when attempts to refloat the vessel will take place.


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