Employ Ability Clare will host a celebration of “People, potential and possibilities” from 12pm to 1.30pm in glór, Ennis on Wednesday 12th December.
A unique invitation given to people who have been connected and supported by the service and have maintained long term employment. Employ Ability will provide a platform for people to share their stories, challenges and successes with key note speakers. The service will also thank employers and businesses in communities who have supported and developed long term partnerships.
Employ Ability support job seekers over the age of 18 with a disability or illness including physical, sensory, mental health, intellectual, ASD, acquired brain injury and the service is free to businesses in Clare. They provide a range of supports for employers, recruitment, job matching for the individual and business, work trials and on the job support as needed and offer information on Government grants and subsidies along with work place adjustments, with the ethos that “everybody has a right to work and achieve their employment ambitions”
Helen McQuillan, Team Leader of EmployAbility Clare emphasises the importance of focusing on people’s ability and potential. “The theme of this celebratory event says it all. ‘People; Potential; Possibilities’ is evidencing people’s success in sustained employment within businesses and communities in Clare that embrace diversity and inclusion.
It’s really important that young people with a disability or health challenge, and their parents, see that there are real employment pathways for them when they finish school or college. EmployAbility supports people on their journey into employment and also provides ongoing support to employers who recruit people through our employment support programme. This is a celebratory event, a thank you to all stakeholders promoting inclusive workplaces.”