An impressive 20 Street Feasts were held across County Clare in 2018 with over 1,600 neighbours taking part and the organisers are hoping for more success in 2019.
This year sees the 10th birthday of one of the most successful community initiatives in Ireland with over 120,000 people celebrating Street Feast last year. Already for Street Feast 2019, 12 Clare hosts have registered to organise a feast in their local area.
Clare hosts can sign up for a free Street Feast pack which includes bunting, invitations, posters and a handy guide.
A total of 1,344 feasts were organised nationwide in 2018 and organisers are aiming to increase this to at least 1,500. Street Feast 2019 is taking place as part of the inaugural National Community Weekend hosted by the Department of Rural & Community Development.
“Street Feast is about building community and tackling isolation. It is a great opportunity for people to get together with their neighbours to share food and enjoy some conversation and camaraderie. It doesn’t matter if you live in an apartment or house, all you need is an outdoor space to bring people together. We have had feasts organised in front gardens, on streets and greens, in carparks, laneways, local parks and community centres. We are delighted to be celebrating 10 years of Street Feast this year and think it will be bigger than ever especially as it now part of the great new National Community Weekend initiative” says Street Feast co-founder Sam Bishop.
Organising a Street Feast is free and could not be easier says Sam “Hosts can register for a free Street Feast pack including bunting, invitations, posters and guides. All they have to do is spread the word amongst a few neighbours and get everyone to bring along some food and drink for sharing. It has been hugely successful and we have great stories of neighbours meeting each other for the first time at Street Feasts, making great connections and starting initiatives such as community gardens, residents associations and babysitting clubs. It fosters an excellent community spirit which is so important in this digital age when we need to build resilient, healthy communities”.
Street Feast was set up by Sam Bishop and a group of volunteers in 2009 as a non-profit, community building initiative. Since then it has grown steadily with 1,344 feasts organised in 2018 which the team are aiming to build to 1500 in 2019. This year Street Feast is once again teaming up with Oireachtas na Gaeilge and with support from Údarás na Gaeltachta and Foras na Gaeilge they hope to have at least 30 Féasta Sráide on 5th May.
Registration and further details are available at www.streetfeast.ie
See also: www.facebook.com/streetfeast, @streetfeast / #streetfeast2019, www.instagram.com/streetfeast