

Search mounted after car alert system activation

A search and rescue operation was mounted on the outskirts of Ennis this afternoon after emergency services were notified about a possible vehicle in the water.

It’s understood that an emergency vehicle alert system was activated at around 11.45am and was traced to the Ballyalla Lake area about 3 kilometres from Ennis.

Many car models have built-in electronic safety systems that will automatically call Ireland’s emergency call answering service (ECAS) in the event of a serious incident.

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The National Ambulance Service is believed to have received the first notification and they in turn alerted Gardaí, the Munster Regional Control Centre for the fire service and the Irish Coast Guard.

Ambulance paramedics, units of Clare County Fire and Rescue Service from Ennis station and local Gardaí made their way to Ballyalla Lake while Clare Civil Defence and the Doolin unit of the Irish Coast Guard were also mobilised.

It wasn’t possible however to pinpoint an accurate location for the activation which was detected in different areas. Emergency services personnel carried out a comprehensive search around the lake including farmland that adjacent to the lake however there was no trace of any vehicle.

A kayaker, who had been in the area at the time, also travelled around the lake’s shoreline in an effort to locate a vehicle.

When there was no sign of any vehicle in the water, the search was stood down.

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