

Gardaí issue home security advice for ‘New Builds’

As new builds are under construction, it is often the case they there is no-one living in them or on site, but they still contain expensive items such as copper piping, items waiting to be fitted such as windows, kitchen utilities and tools belonging to the builder.

Potential burglars will know that a one off build and all the houses in a new build estate will be empty during the building process, so they will consider it unlikely that they will get caught breaking in or causing damage.

If you are considering a new build or if you are in the middle of a build, I would advise that you discuss with the developer about the security that is in place for the site.

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Have the Best Locks Been Installed?

Often on new builds, they install standard security locks. These could be vulnerable to picking, snapping, or bumping. If you have the opportunity to choose the locks that are being installed, see if they can use high security locks. Do some research into anti-snap and anti-bump locks, as these are very common ways that burglars enter your house.

If you have the budget, look into smart locks. These locks can be locked and unlocked remotely via smart app, or other hands free devices. These offer you a higher level of security and more ease of access.

Light It Up

Burglars like to go undetected, so are going to target new homes that are in the dark. As soon as possible, get some outdoor lighting, especially if your home is in a rural location or one of the first to be built in a new development. Most new builds are finished with outdoor lighting, make sure it is working and add more if you feel it is needed. The contractors might only add lighting near the front door, but its important other areas such as and garages and sheds are lit.

Make Sure the Doors and Windows are locked

Make sure your doors and windows are locked. One advantage of having a new build home is that you know no previous owners will have a copy of the key. Another thing you can count on is that the doors and windows are brand new and in good working order. You will not have to worry about the locks being old and unreliable or the door and window frames being weak, as everything will have been fitted from new. You just must remember to keep them locked.

Get To Know Your Neighbours

One disadvantage of a new build estate is that everyone is new to the area, and nobody knows each other. It is important to make a point of meeting and talking to your neighbours, get to know who lives where and get familiar with faces. This will make it easier to spot if someone is lurking around who should not be there. You can also let your neighbours know if you are expecting a delivery, so they know if something is out of place and should call the Gardaí.

Keep Everything Out of Sight

Unfortunately, burglars know that when people are moving into a new place, they will be bringing valuables with them. Your first priority should be putting up curtains or blinds if has not already been done for you this will stop burglars from looking inside your house.

Nothing can 100% prevent a burglar from breaking into your new build home, but taking these steps could help make your home as secure as possible.


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