

Smartphone classes for older people

Clare County Library has announced a series of smartphone classes for older people in a number of libraries, beginning at the end of September.

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The daytime classes will take place in the following libraries: Ennistymon, Kilkee, Shannon, Scariff and Ennis. The three-week programme will include a session on Zoom video conferencing and the WhatsApp platform so that participants can learn how to connect with others and how to avail of online classes and activities. The tutor-led classes will be of two hours’ duration and will take place in the mornings or afternoons. Numbers at the classes are limited due to current restrictions. Clare County Library will run a second set of classes later in the year.

The classes are specifically for those who do not have a smartphone or have just recently received one. Karen Fennessy, Age Friendly Development Officer for Clare County Council, has advised that many older people still need additional support in relation to technology.

The classes will commence during Positive Ageing Week from 28th September to 1st October. Please see details on individual branches below for further information.

Funding for this programme is from the Dormant Accounts. It is one of five funding programmes that will take place in Clare libraries during the autumn. Other programmes include an art therapy programme for children, and the provision of hearing loops and new signage.

Clare County Library will also distribute licences for Touch, Type, Read, Spell (TTRS), a literacy software programme, to schools over next few months, also provided by funding from the Dormant Accounts.

The smartphone classes will take place at the following dates, times and venues:

Ennistymon Library

Tuesday, 28th September – 12th October, 10.00am-12.00pm.

To book and for further information, contact Ennistymon Library on 065-7071245.

Kilkee Library

Tuesday, 28th September – 12th October, 2:30pm-4:30pm.

To book and for further information, contact Kilkee Library on 065-9056034.

Shannon Library

Wednesday, 29th September – 13th October, 10.00am-12.00pm.

To book and for further information, contact Shannon Library on 061-364266.

Scariff Library

Thursday, 30th September – 14th October, 2.30pm-4.30pm.

To book and for further information, contact Scariff Library on 061-922893.

De Valera Library, Ennis

Friday, 1st October – 15th October, 10.00am-12.00pm.

To book and for further information, contact De Valera Public Library on 065-6846353.

For more information, contact Cora Gunter, Senior Executive Librarian, at 065-6899086 or [email protected]


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