Work has begun on constructing Co Clare’s first crematorium in Shannon.
With three in Dublin, one in Cork and another in Cavan, the crematorium at Illaunumanagh in Shannon, with be the first in the mid-west.
The 1.3 acre site was controversially approved for sale by members of Clare County Council last March.
Crematorium developer Jim Cranwell confirmed that diggers have been on-site at Illaunumanagh for almost a week and works are now underway.
He told Clare FM that he expects the crematorium will be ready to open in the new year.
The development, adjacent to Illaunamanagh burial ground close to the Shannon Estuary, has been subject to controversy since it was first mooted in 2013.
There was also previous plan from as far back as 2005 to build a crematorium in Shannon. That plan had been put forward by Illaumamanagh Ltd whose principals former Clare county councillors, the late Seán Hillery and Tony McMahon.
Businessman Jim Cranwell agreed a fee of €140,000 with Clare County Council last year when the authority opted to dispose of the site.
Mr Cranwell says construction on the project is now progressing and believes that with graveyard space at a premium is likely to cater for several funerals every week.
He also committed to work with the local community and schools if any issues arise.