

Workshop for students starting college

university lecture hall studentsGoing to college is both an exciting and daunting time. Being prepared can make a huge difference to adjusting and settling in.

Finding the right place to live, looking after yourself physically, mentally & sexually and properly managing your finances will make all the differences to experiencing college success.

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With this in mind, Clare Youth Service Youth Information Office will run three workshops on Leaving Home and Going to College at Ennis, Kilrush and Shannon next week.

The workshops will look at budgeting tips, staying physically, mentally and sexually healthy, time management, accommodation and being aware of the services available to you. It’s very important to realise that if things become unstuck in any way, there are lots of people/services there to help.

Speakers will include Money Advice and Budgeting, GOSHH (Gender Orientation Sexual Health HIV) & Youth Information Officer (Clare Youth Service).

The Workshops take place at the following Locations:

  • Shannon Youth Office 23rd August 1pm-4.30pm
  • Kilrush Youth Centre 24th August 1pm – 4.30pm
  • Ennis The Junction 26th August 1pm – 4.30pm

Lunch is included in the 5 euro charge. Places are limited, to book your place please drop into The Junction, Clare Youth Service, Cloughleigh Rd., Ennis or contact Clare Youth Service on 065-6845350.

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