Sick of plastic? Fed up with bins that are overflowing with unnecessary stuff?
This November sees the launch of the Zero Waste Challenge in Ennis with a series of three workshops. A number of speakers from around the county will share their experience and knowledge to help participants move towards zero waste.
Féidhlim Harty is director of FH Wetland System environmental consultancy based in Ennis and author of Get Rid of Your Bin and other books on practical steps people can take to help the environment.
He said: “The workshops will explore ways to cut back on plastic and other waste and some of the reasons to do so. We’ll look at easy steps for households and businesses to reduce waste at source. Compost making will be examined, along with using it as a way to reduce kitchen waste, build your soil and grow some veg.
There will also be up to date information on recycling in Clare, and how to go beyond it to minimisation as well. The workshop will also look at energy, food miles and other forms of hidden waste.”
This workshop series is being held in association with Ennis Tidy Towns and is part of their 3-year strategic plan, developed in conjunction with the local community in 2018.
Venue: Waterpark House, Drumbiggle, Ennis, Co. Clare
Dates: Mondays 12th, 19th and 26th
Time: 6.45pm.
Organised by FH Wetland Systems, the workshops are free events. All are welcome.
For further information email or call 087-1411498 or 065-6797355.
Additional information/Workshop outline
Week 1 – What are the challenges? Why zero-waste? Practical solutions to move towards zero waste. What can and cannot be recycled in Clare?
Week 2 – Discussion our shopping patterns and how these can support zero waste. Creating wider change – how do we encourage zero waste in our society?
Week 3 – How do we make changes in our local community? Exploring what has worked and what has been challenging for zero waste groups.