
Trump’s Doonbeg visit called off

Plans by former US president Donald Trump to visit his family’s West Clare golf resort later this month have been scrapped.

Donald Trump to visit Clare next month

Donald Trump looks set to visit his family's West Clare golf resort late next month.

Photo Gallery: President Trump arrives in Clare

U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in Ireland on Wednesday and was met at Shannon Airport by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar.

Preparations for Trump visit progressing apace

Preparations for the massive security operation being mounted for the visit of US President Donald Trump to Co Clare are continuing apace.

Preparations for visit by President Trump stepped up

Preparations for the arrival of US President Donald Trump to Co Clare next month are being stepped up following formal confirmation last night of the visit.

Security already stepped up ahead of Trump visit

Gardaí have already taken up security duties at Shannon ahead of a possible visit by US President Donald Trump next month. 

Trump now looks set to visit Clare on June...

It now looks likely that US President Donald Trump will arrive in Ireland on June 5th and stay at his family’s golf resort in West Clare for at least one night.

Trump to visit Ireland in November

The Green Party has called for mass protests following confirmation that US president Donald Trump will visit Ireland later this year.

No record of Varadkar contacting council on planning matter

Clare County Council has said there is no record of Taoiseach Leo Varadkar having contacted the authority regarding a planning application for a windfarm in Doonbeg.