

Ennis hospital X-ray department up for award

Photo: Ā© Pat Flynn 2016

The X-ray department of Ennis General Hospital has reached the final stage of the Irish Institute of RadiographyĀ andĀ Radiation Therapy Medray Department of the Year Awards.

There are three X-ray departments in the final – St Vincentā€™s University hospital Dublin, VHI Swiftcare centre Dublin and Ennis.

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A spokesperson for the department in Ennis said: ā€œWe worked very hard to reach this stage and are thrilled to be in the final. This next stage is a public vote and we would greatly appreciate the publicā€™s support. The voting lines are open until the 13th September.ā€

Two competitions are running simultaneously – the Radiotherapy Department of the Year and the X-rayĀ Department of the Year. Ennis x-ray Department is in the second.

How to vote:

Click here.

On opening the IIRRT homepage there are 5 large advertising banners scrolling across the screen.

Click on the VOTE NOW Radiation Therapy and Radiology Department of the Year Awards banner when it appears.

Please vote for Ennis General Hospital X-ray department which is Part 2.

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