

Major drilling programme planned for Clare

A Toronto-listed mineral exploration company has confirmed plans for a major drilling programme in Co Clare.

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Hannan Metals plans to test geological, seismic and soil targets on its Kilbricken zinc-lead-silver prospect near Ennis as well as other prospects in the group’s extensive licence area in the county.

The company’s Clare project consists of seven prospecting licences and two licence applications for a total of 32,223 hectares.

The programme, which is currently being finalised, will involve 20,000 metres of drilling and is a major expansion of the company’s exploration.

Hannan’s immediate focus is on expanding the Kilbricken resource and testing seven significant geochemical targets within a 12km previously untested trend within the licence area.

The work follows a successful 2017 programme when a maiden resource estimate of 4.4 million tonnes at 8.6% zinc equivalent at Kilbricken was established.

Mr Michael Hudson, Chairman & CEO said: “We are delighted with the progress we have made over the last year since listing. After completing our purchase from Lundin Mining we now own one of the few high-grade zinc-rich sulphide discoveries made over the last decade in Ireland within a strategically important, regional-scale land package. We have established a maiden resource estimate which our drilling has already expanded, while our seismic and geochemical work has unlocked the potential which will form the basis for current and future drilling targets.”

Twelve holes have been completed by Hannan at Kilbricken for a total of 6,492 metres over the last year. Since discovery of the Kilbricken resource ten years ago, total drilling on the project comprises 163,017 metres with an estimated US$30,000,000 spent on exploration.

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