Community groups and environmental organisations across County Clare are being invited to submit applications for funding under the Community Water Development Fund 2018.
The Local Authority Waters & Communities Office says the Fund will support community and voluntary groups in the protection and management of water quality, both locally and in the wider catchment.
The types of projects considered will include:
– Capital projects such as restoration/habitat conservation/natural flood mitigation measures.
– Projects that promote public awareness/education and events such as biodiversity days, surveys, training workshops, surveys and plans, etc.
– General amenity such as beach clean, improving amenity areas, bird watching facilities, etc.
Grants awarded will range from up to €5,000; up to €10,000 and up to €25,000. The fund is capped at €180,000 for 2018.
The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday 28 May at 7.00pm. For further details and how to apply go visit